Passion fruit (also known as passion fruit) is the fruit of the Passiflora tree, a flower of the genus Lac Tien. It has a hard outer shell, which encloses an inner layer of seeds. There are many varieties of passion fruit that vary in size and color, with purple and yellow varieties being the most common.


  • Antioxidant.
  • A rich source of fiber.
  • Piece of passion fruit reduces inflammation.
  • Protect your eyes.

How to store:

  • Passion fruits can be stored at room temperature for a few days to ripen, but should then be stored in the refrigerator to preserve freshness.

Usage tips:

  • To eat this tropical fruit, you need to slice or rip the peel to reveal the colorful flesh and seeds inside. The seeds are edible, so you can eat them with the pulp and juice. The white membrane separating the skin from the flesh is also edible, but most people don't eat it because it's very bitter.