Cat Hoa Loc mango is a mango variety originating from Hoa Loc commune, Giao Duc district, Dinh Tuong. Now changed to Hoa Hung commune, Cai Be district, Tien Giang province. As one of many famous fruits of the Mekong Delta region.

Cat Chu mango (Mangifera indica) is a traditional mango variety from Dong Thap. It can be said that it is 100% purebred mango. Cat Chu mango and Cat Hoa Loc mango are both considered to be very low in fiber.


  • Prevent cancer, support digestion, support blood circulation, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Lower cholesterol, lower blood sugar, prevent anemia.
  • Increasing the body's resistance, beautifying the skin, enhancing eyesight and memory…

How to store:

  • Can be stored at room temperature for a day or two to ripen, but should then be refrigerated to maintain freshness.

Usage tips:

  • In addition to being used fresh like other fruits, mangoes can be processed into a variety of dishes such as smoothies, cocktails, jelly,,…