Sap banana are usually small, fat and yellow when ripe. Overall, the waxy banana peel will have a black patch. The reason is that when bananas are still green, insects often gather densely to suck nectar.

This type of banana is grown mainly in the South, especially in Ben Tre province. Compared to our bananas, waxy bananas are not edible when they are green.


  • Reduces the risk of anemia.
  • Good for the nervous system.
  • Prevents cancer.
  • Regulate blood pressure.
  • Good for the digestive system.

How to store:

  • Sap banana can be stored at room temperature for a few day to ripen, but should then be stored in the refrigerator to preserve freshness.

Usage tips:

  • Boil banana bunches of sap banana, the color is slightly yellow, not too old or too young.